Sunday, June 30, 2013

Big Changes

There are big changes for mathematics in Baltimore County. Common Core Mathematics is scheduled for full implementation in the fall, school year 2013 - 2014. No lower-level courses for students in Baltimore County. The Algebraic Thinking program has been removed from the middle schools. All students will be Accelerated Mathematics Grade 7, projected to be in Algebra 1 by Grade 8.

The mathematics instructor in me is worried. I am fearful for the students that need that extra time to develop their conceptual understandings. I worry for the students whose brains have yet to start thinking abstractly. I am concerned about the students who favor arts and humanities over mathematics and science. In this push for No Child Left Behind, and all children Accelerated Grade 7, will more children be left behind? The expectation is for teachers to differentiate their instruction to accommodate all learners, but are we accommodating all learners by mandating such high academic course expectations at such early grades?

As a parent, I am terrified. I know mathematically, my children will be fine. It is their reading and language arts that have always been the struggle. I am afraid their mathematics comprehension will falter because their reading/language arts education will not be strong enough to accommodate the changes happening in the mathematics realm. From working in the mathematics office, I know the mathematics curriculum is strong - one of the strongest in the state of Maryland. But, the English Language Arts office has gone through so many changes. Leadership has been anything but stable. I am secure in knowing that my children go to a wonderful school with strong, experienced teachers. But will they end up with a solid enough background in reading to help carry them through to Algebra 1 by Grade 8?

I worry.

I worry about the Common Core.

Do you?